Where the Crafty come to meet

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July 5, 2014

What's Cooking in The Cauldron? (Not For The Faint of Heart)

Blogland! I hope all of you that celebrate July 4th had a wickedly awesome one. Also to those of you who don't, I hope yesterday was wickedly awesome for you as well.

It was another day that the Hubs went to work & I had the house all to myself. 

This makes me one:

Don't get me wrong, I adore my hubs but peace & quiet is high on my list too!  When he is home, he likes the radio on & I truly believe he has this urgent need to hear himself talk. lol
He will be downstairs talking to himself & I am always asking what he said because I think he is talking to me.
Anyway...........off to work he goes & off goes the radio!

My belly says, "feed me". So off I go into the kitchen to make some totally delicious & unhealthy food. 

I usually run to breakfast foods when I am cooking for myself.  Breakfast can be an easy meal to prepare.

I opened the cupboard & spied the container of Grits.

Not the instant, one minute cook time in the microwave packets. NO. I only have the kind you can do on the stove top. Yes, they also supply a microwave method of cooking now. I just pretend that info does not exist.

Grits are not totally unhealthy to eat. That is before I get a hold of them!

Follow the directions for which ever portion size you wish to make.  I always put a big glob of butter in the water & salt too.

When the water starts to boil, just add the grits & cook.

You don't have to stir this constantly. Just every so often to be sure the grits are not clumping together. Witches love to stir things, so I stir frequently.

While the grits are cooking, ( I  suggest a lid on those bad boys cause they do love to pop out of the pot all over the stove top & you) I get out my magick mug of bacon grease & cook some eggs. Over medium for me.

One busted yolk. No worries, the cats will eat that & love the treat!

Now, the grits are done & transferred to the plate & a good sized dollop of butter is added.

The real stuff my pretties. Not the margarine or spread.

Top with your fried eggs! You can mix them all together with the grits as I do. Oh what a delightful treat for my wicked taste buds! You can add toast if you like. I prefer this meal just the way it is.

So whip this up in your kitchen one day & let me know how quickly your arteries harden!

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Sharing this wickedly awesome breakfast treat with these places:




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